Want to know the secret to success? First you have to realize that it isn't that secret. A Haitian farmer knows it as "Piti, piti, wazo fe, nich li". Japanese call it "Kaizen". US businesses talk about "continuous improvement". Sports coaches quote Bill Riley "If you are not getting better, you're getting worse". Even Ben Franklin expressed it - "Without continual growth, words like success ... have no meaning." Still it's good to see concrete examples. Today's email from our administrator brought one:
Being concerned about reducing as much as possible the load on the energy
power of the clinic, I had discussed with the logistic tech of MSPP ...
in order to see how we can change the system of the vaccine refrigerator to
propane gas, and that MSPP would provide us those gas. The negotiations and
agreement are successful, and last weekend the logistic tech came to change the
system of the refrigerator . ... Ever since the load of the refrigerator was out of the energy system, the
electricity stayed longer and never cut off until now."
Steps like this are the reason we have a reliable supply of vaccines for children. It will probably also reduce our energy bills, because we have to generate all of our own electricity at the clinic. And it's just one example of how our staff work to try to constantly make thing better.
By the way, the Haitian proverb above can be translated as "Little, by little, the bird builds it's nest."